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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

30th September 2009

Worked from home today:-)

Had to take the car for major maintenance at the garage, so I loaded the bike in the back of the car, dropped the keys of, unloaded the bike and cycled home...It was early morning rush hour and the traffic was pants...but I was going faster than it :-)

I ended up doing a zigzag route home to avoid the major roads and stay on the safer country lanes...

The Garmin had the ride as 18.1 miles in 1 hour 7 Minutes with an Average speed of 16 mph, GPS trace can be found here..

I didn't stop for lunch at all...I stopped at 4:40 to pick the car up, I again avoided the main roads wherever possible but I needed to be at the Garage for just after 5 so I put a fair bit of haste in my journey...

The Garmin had the ride as 9.86 miles in 33 minutes, GPS trace here...

When I got back home I ate a lovely Spag Bol then set of on a pre-cycle club ride....
As the evenings are now getting very dark and cold, I thought I would try out the new warm overshoes and hat from Aldi...I also thought it was about time I started using the back-light on the Garmin Edge!...I cant really use not being able to see the computer as an excuse!

I didn't have a great deal of time as I set of at 6:30 and the club starts at 7:30. So I set of out on a flat quick ride...Then I changed my mind and headed up Bencroft Hill (1:6) ...

The Garmin had the ride as 12.99 miles in 47 minutes with an average speed of 16.3 mph, GPS trace here..

As I was showing the Edge to somebody at the cycle club I stopped the current ride The ride home was tracked as another ride...

1.8 miles in 7 minutes with an average speed of 14.8 mph. GPS trace here...

The total distance ridden today was 42.75 miles...

The stats for September are...

Distance:902.81 mi
Time:52:05:18 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:40,386 ft
Avg Speed:17.3 mph
Max Speed:45.6 mph
Calories:69,641 C

Hmmm shame I am 98 miles from target distance this month......Must try harder in October!


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