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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23rd March 2010

Worked from home today, I had a very busy day...nothing quite went to plan :-(

I did make some Bolognaise at lunch time and left it simmering all day :-)

Dave pitched up and we went for a very wet ride...
1700 Heavy  Rain 9.1 °C S 13 mph

1.6 km 1011 hPa, Falling
1800 Light  Rain 9.2 °C S 13 mph

2 km 1010 hPa, Falling
As it was 5pm I didn't fancy fighting with rush hour traffic on the main roads so I dragged him out around the chain gang/evening 10 TT route, it gave us a good chance to chat without getting run off the road by intolerant drivers.

When we got to Little Somerford we turned south straight into the headwind, it was quite tough going...

My problem was that I got stuck into the fight, head down and started powering along, I checked every so often that Dave was on my back wheel....and he was..........then he wasn't....

I slowed the pace a little to ensure that he could stick with me....I must realise that not everybody has been cycling all year...

The Garmin had the ride as 25.73 miles in 1 hour 40 minutes with an average speed of 15.4 mph, route here...

When we got back home, after a shower and change we tucked into a well cooked spag bol and garlic bread :-)

I REALLY enjoyed tonight's ride, it was great to get out and chat with Dave, it was also good to see how far I have come since the last time I cycled with him :-)

I am starting to think that I may be a real cyclist now......


Judith said...

The rides you enjoy are the best ones of all......Having dinner ready is a bonus

Clive Chapman said...

Just remember your milage when I'm pedalling Brum NCR5 wit you!

John Berry said...

@Buttsy...I think I enjoy all the rides I do :-)Its always the thought of going out in the rain/ice/snow that's the killer, once I am out I just lose myself in my thoughts :-)

@Clive...Ahhhh don't fret I will NOT be racing...I will have a long way to go with a bike with LOTS of rolling resistance...

Matt said...

It's great when you can get out and really enjoy a ride, makes all those snowy / icey ones seem a lot further away!

Don't worry Clive, I will do my best to slow him down for you from Oxford ;)

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