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Thursday, March 4, 2010

4th March 2010

Worked from home today :-)

I hadn't noticed on my ride last night, but I had broken a spoke :-( I guess that may explain why the ride was so tough.

At lunch time I popped out to City Cycles and purchased some spokes, 5 of them for a massive 20p each.

I fitted the new spoke and re-trued the wheel. And now I have a few spare spokes to take with me in April.

After tea I got changed and went for a nice ride, I headed out on the same route as last night, at Foxham I headed onto the evening 10 mile TT course.

The Garmin had the ride as 25.17 miles in 1 hour 37 minutes with an average speed of 15.4 mph, route here...


Red Bike said...

My bike for April is slowly coming together.
As I don't have a geared road bike capable of taking panniers (or tyres over 23mm) and my single speed looks like it will be major hard work I've decided to fit panniers (and gears) to the 29er MTB.

I will no doubt be ditching the beefy off-road tyres in favour of a 'road' tyre and therefore hopefully creating a hybid.

John Berry said...

Ohh I am doing it on the Hybrid.....Looks like I may be struggling to keep up with you :-)

I am really starting to look forward to it now :-)

Did you get my email re accom booking??

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