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Friday, March 5, 2010

5th March 2010

My order turned up today...

Cycling in the UK a guide to the most popular Sustrans Routes....I was hoping it might help with planning and logistics of the NCR5 ride.....It wont :-( Nice glossy pictures but not much use!

UK Cycling route planner...a fold out map of the uk with the Sustrans routes on it.....may be useful to carry on the ride :-)

50 quirky bike rides in England and Wales...

or to give you its full title.......
"50 quirky bike rides for family and friends, free from freightlining juggernauts and white van road rage, in eco friendly, carbon neutral, naturally blissful thrills and hills, on a hunch over lunch, with winks over drinks, brooks beckon, waves lap, win whizzes - the most thrilling downhilling and appealing freewheeling, on trains, bridges, plains & ridges the odd, unique, eccentric and curious, from flying canals to haunted tunnels to underwater roads the longest, prettiest, bendiest, bounciest, rockiest, twistiest, zingiest, peakiest, prettiest, whizziest, bestest, bestest, bestest bike rides in England and Wales (ever)"

Now that's a good book worth the money :-)...I have already done all of the local rides listed in it...

My Haggard fan box set also turned up today :-) Shame wifey isn't a Symphonic metal fan...or I would be listening to it now....

Added a justgiving page for my chosen fund-raising ride of the year..
I am doing lots of challenging rides but the one that 'bothers' me the most is the Heart of England 300k (200 miles) in 1 day, so that's the one I am going to raise money on! IT should make the miles go easier :-)

My just giving page can be foud either by the widget or at

Taking a night of the bike(s)......


Red Bike said...

There was a piece in the times last weekend. The top 20 places to ride. I was going to save the list with the intention of ticking a few of these rides off. Then saw what they were recommending near me and promptly changed my mind.

I think whomever compiled the list must have a different idea of what make a top ride to me. Some of the rides were under 5 miles long!

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