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Saturday, August 1, 2009

1st August 2009 (Saturday)

Got up early and went for a haircut, when I got back home had breaky then took dog for a walk in the rain....

Registered for another Sportive....David Duffield Severn Bridge Sportive it starts and ends about 5 miles from home :-)

Went weekly shopping then set out on a 50 mile ride....I had stumbled across the Chippenham Wheelers Chaingang route on the interweb so I thought I would give it a go...

I set of at 12:42 and I had to be back home for 4, but as the route is designed to keep a high average speed it shouldn't be to much of a problem.

It was light rain when I started, unfortunately at 20 miles the heavens opened and I got drenched.....

I ended up doing the 52.89 miles in 2 hours 49 minutes with an average speed of 18.8 mph, On a calmer day it would definitely be possible to do 20 mph + average.

The GPS track of today's ride can be found here...

When I got back home I still had time to wash and oil the bike before putting it away :-)


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