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Monday, August 31, 2009

31st August 2009 (Bank Holiday Monday)

I only had one mission today, do just over 51 miles to have completed 1000 miles in August :-)

Unfortunately I only had a 3 hour window to fit the ride in, guests visiting in the afternoon and the need to actually tidy the house up before they arrived!

I got up had breakfast and set of on a nice flat 52 mile route, the last time I did the route I did it in 2 hours 49 minutes, so well within the time I had available :-)

I set off from home at just before 9, the first 10 miles were great, a cracking tail wind, the next 30 miles were not great a stifling head wind!

As I was pulling back on to the home stretch I was finally accompanied by a tail wind again and managed to catch up with the Garmin virtual me.

The Garmin had the ride as 52.93 miles in 2 hours 49 minutes with an average speed of 18.8 mph.

The GPS track can be found here...

So the cycling stats for August are...
Distance: 1,002.21 Miles
Time: 58:17:27 h:m:s
Elevation Gain: 52,068 ft
Avg Speed: 17.2 mph
Max Speed: 48.5 mph
Calories: 76,737 C

Ohhh I have now done over 6000 miles on the Merida (Hmmm wonder if wifey will let me buy a new bike again this Christmas?)

After the BBQ I spent some quality time cleaning the Merida ....again!

Later on I got bored so spent some time doing a proper cleaning job on the Peugeot, I noticed the wheel bearings felt a little rough so I stripped them down, cleaned them, re-greased and re-assembled....The wheels run very sweetly now :-)

Now looking outside and feeling depressed, 7:30pm and its starting to get dark :-( not much more evening riding left in the year....

Sunday, August 30, 2009

30th August 2009 (Sunday)

Had been planning a trip to the Gower peninsula ever since I read about a nice ride there in the Cycling Plus magazine. A sensible person would have put the ride on hold when the forecast was for wet and windy weather....I am obviously not sensible!

The Gower Peninsula is a little jut of land that sticks out into the sea to the west of Swansea in South Wales.

Wifey, Rosie (Dog) and me set of from home at 9:30 ish and travelled down the M4, over the Severn Bridge and into deepest darkest Wales, arriving at Rhossili at about 11:45.

It was howling a gale and was precipitating a fair bit!

I ate my Ham Salad sandwich and a couple of breakfast bars, bid farewell to wifey and Rosie and set of into the rain swept Welsh countryside.

I had planned my route to stay in the peninsula and avoid main roads as much as possible.

There is only one road into and out of Rossili so the ride started the way it was going to continue - with me cycling up a hill!

I didn't stay on the A4118 for to long as I turned off and headed for Fairy Hill :-)

The roads were wide open to the elements!

The tops of the hills were constantly covered in low cloud, unless the cloud's were emptying themselves on me!

But occasionally I was rewarded by some stunning views! even in the miserable weather...

The roads were ALL in excellent condition, unfortunately because the roads were so wet and my add water to dissolve brake blocks were fitted, the downhill stretches were NOT as fast as they could be.

I did become a little worried at the next sign! (I wasn't sure if I had planned my ride to go down a low tide causeway or something similar)

However I need not have worried the road was PERFECT, the smoothest fastest road I have possibly ever ridden down, and it looked completely unused!

To my left was a wide open marsh land with wild horses grazing leading to the sea.

After tracing the north east coast I turned in land and south heading over the Welsh Moor, It started raining again!

It was wide open and NO shelter from either the strong wind OR the driving rain!

Once I descended down the moor I turned back on myself and headed back over it again on the B4271, it was much faster ascent and descent but still wide open!

On the down hill, just before Killay I turned of the main road and on to a forest cycleway, I wouldn't normally chance an off-road cycle way with the road bike, but as this part of the route had been published in the magazine I gave it a go, again it was a perfect roadie surface :-)

Although me and the bike were now completely minging!

At the end of the forest track I emerged back out at the A4057 and a Toucan crossing, once over the crossing it was on to possibly the best cycleway I have ever been on!

And the best named place on the planet :-)

The Cycleway followed the coastline, away from the road and had a clear unobstructed view of the sea :-)

The only issue I had was as I drew near to (so called) civilisation the people walking insisted on being in the cycle half of the path and NOT the walking half (I guess they couldn't understand what the picture of a bicycle meant)

Once of the cycle way I was back on to the roads, I had plotted a route that hugged the coast as close as possible, this fortunately meant massive descents and unfortunately massive climbs!
It was on one of the descents that I encountered my favourite set of traffic lights, I don't think I would ever get irritated waiting for them to change....

Who could get irritated stopped looking at the sea?

After a load more plodding up and down hills in the rain I eventually made it back to Rossili

The clouds were still full of water and hanging over the hills!

The Cycle computer had the ride as 59.1 miles in 4 hours 5 minutes (4 hours 19 minutes if you include photo stops and junctions) with an average speed of 14.4 mph and 4779 feet of climb.

The GPS track can be found here...

I really enjoyed today's ride, even in the bad weather! I will definitely do this ride again in the sun!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

29th August 2009 (Saturday)

Got up early'ish, went for a walk with the Rosie (dog) (bought some white spirit on my way home)

Cycled to the Chippenham Cemetery gates to meet up with the cycle club chain gang at 9:30.

This week I did not race on ahead at all, I was quite nice and sensible and attempted to ride at everybody else's pace :-)

When we got to Corsham however I put my head down and sprinted to Lacock and climber over Naish Hill before returning home.

The Cycle computer had the ride as 45.7 miles in 2 hours 26 minutes with an average speed of 18.7 mph. The GPS track can be found here...

When I got back home I cooked and ate lunch (Bacon Sandwich).

After Lunch I thought it would be a good idea to go for a cycle/walk with Rosie (Dog) so I put Rosie in the 'Outward Hound' backpack and headed of down the Chippenham/Calne cycle way.

Once we were clear of the roads I let Rosie run free.

It was sloooooooow, but nice in the sun :-)

Along the way I thought it would be a good idea to continue on up Bencroft Hill and stop at the Dumb Post for a pint of cider :-)

What I hadn't really given much thought to was the extra weight of Rosie on my back and that I am no longer used to the more upright position of the Hybrid bike.

I made it to the top, not as fast as I had hoped but no real drama, I had my pint of Cider then cycled back the way I came.

I did stop and take a picture of the Dawes at the point where I stopped and put Rosie back in her carry back pack.

When I got back home and walking back up to the house there was a rather cool shadow cast by Rosie and myself :-)

The Rosie ride was 8.23 miles in 1 hour 5 minutes with an average speed of 7.5 mph, The GPS track can be found here...

After I got back home I set about cleaning the Merida road bike (It got very wet on Wednesday)

I thought I would give the chain in the bottle of white spirit method a go, I also wanted to dismantle the cassette and give it a good clean - up to this point I have cleaned both cassette and chain on bike using branded chain cleaners, but I am starting to think it is better to keep the de-greasers away from wheel bearings and bottom brackets!

So I dismantled the cassette and but it in an old ice cream tub with some white spirit

I also but the chain in an old Gatorade bottle added a drop or two of White Spirit and gave it a good shake.

I cleaned all of the cassette components, dried them, gave them a spray of WD40 and wiped them off.

I fished the chain out of the bottle, wiped it dry and hung it up in the sun to complete the drying.

I then re-assembled the cassette on the wheel.

I had already cleaned the wheel with the cassette off, I also changed the back tyre as it was very heavily worn - The tyre is now on the spare wheel!

The bike was thoroughly cleaned,reassembled,chain oiled (Then wiped down) and the gears checked for correct indexing.

A bit more of a faff, taking it all to pieces to clean, but definitely worth it! in the end it didn't actually take that much longer. About 5 minutes in total to remove, clean, oil and re-assemble the cassette and about the same for the chain. But with the certainty that no degreaser went anywhere near the BB, Freewheel or Bearings

Friday, August 28, 2009

28th August 2009

Got home, got changed started to take the bike out and it started to rain, came back in and put on rain jacket.

Got half way down the path and the heavens opened, I opted to turn around and cook tea.

No cycling tonight!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

27th August 2009

Night off, played computer games :-)

Counter Strike Source still rocks :-)

In the meantime take a look at this totally mad video...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

26th August 2009

Worked from home today :-)

Didn't move out of my office ALL day! I felt so lethargic when it was time to get changed for the TT.

It takes a very strange sort of person to drag themselves out of a warm dry house into a cold,wet,windy and getting dark evening in shorts and cycle top.

I made a slow amble to the meeting point in an attempt to warm my self up slowly and not damage the slow and lethargic me.

I signed in and was awarded with number 8, due to the poor light I kept my high-viz jacket on and had the incredibly bright back light blinking away.

I set of very well and kept pushing myself hard, the rain was annoying and the 360 degree headwind was a constant pain. There were less riders tonight (probably because the weather was grim) , the couple that started 1 and 2 minutes ahead of me were on proper TT bikes with solid back wheels, as were the couple starting after me, so there was NO chance of me overtaking but a very strong possibility that I was going to be passed.

It was with no shock then that I didn't overtake anybody, but it was toataly amazing that I was not overtaken!

I was very happy with my official time 25 minutes 35 seconds for the 10 miles, only 10 seconds slower than last week and the conditions tonight were so grim...and I kept my flappy jacket on to!

The GPS track can be found here...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

25th August 2009

Was feeling quite tired and worn out on the way home from work and actually contemplated not going out for a cycle ride!

But as I neared home the sun came out and I thought I would go out for a quick short ride....The ground was wet so I thought I would take the Peugeot steel road bike out.

Now the problem with me and cycling is once I get going I don't want to stop! I headed off with the intention of doing a 10 mile loop, on the return leg I thought it would be a good idea to go up Bowden Hill.

Now Bowden Hill is not too steep (about 1:6) and is easy enough on the Merida (Compact 34/50 with 12/27) and the Hybrid (Triple) but on the Peugeot it was quite a challenge, I did succeed :-)
but it does show that hill climbing is as much gearing as it is muscle power. I think over the winter it may well help my technique as well!

Now it wasn't to much of a big deal me lengthening my ride apart from....Its nearly Winter again and its getting dark earlier...I must always take lights with me now!

I did make it back home safely but I have to carry the lights and high-viz jacket :-( ohhh well farewell summer it was good while it lasted...

The cycle computer had the ride as 21.25 miles in 1 hour 15 minutes with an average speed of 16.8 mph.

The GPS track can be found here...

The Peugeot is an interesting bike it has Biospace chain-rings that are oval and are supposed to reduce the load on the knee's. The down tube shifters work perfectly and quite interestingly 14 gears are still to many! I guess if I can get comfortable hill climbing on the Peugeot over the winter the Merida compact chain set will be a breeze next summer :-)

Monday, August 24, 2009

24th August 2009

Wow its now getting really dark in the mornings :-(

Went for my normal lunch time walk and they are resurfacing all the side roads, sombody doctored one of the signs...and it appealed strongly to my sense of humour :-)

When I got back home from work I changed and went straight out on my 'Normal 20' ride.....and I did the 21.27 miles in under an hour :-)

Lyneham had the weather as...
1800 Medium-level Cloud 16.0 °C WSW 9 mph
35 km 1006 hPa, Rising
1900 Sunny intervals 16.3 °C WSW 11 mph
40 km 1006 hPa, Rising
(Note to northern readers....It wasn't raining again :-)

I set of from home at the pace I intended to continue and at the half way point I was over 3 minutes ahead, I had done nearly 10.5 miles at 30 minutes....

The down hill stage from Lyneham was stonking, I actually left a car behind! and was averaging over 22 mph from Dauntsey to Sutton Benger.

Whilst riding down Sutton Lane the expected completion time had me getting home in well under an hour :-)

I had the normal traffic issue in Chippenham but I was so far ahead it didnt impact the time to badly...

The cycle computer had the ride as 21.29 miles in 59 minutes 23 seconds with an average speed of 21.5 mph :-)

The GPS track can be found here...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

23rd August 2009 (Sunday)

Got up and headed to Chippenham Cemetery Gates again for the Cycle Club Sunday Leisure ride, I was expecting it to be a flat, low energy but enjoyable ride as per normal...but to my surprise it was down as a 55 mile hilly ride :-)

The ride took in some notable local hills.....Broad Town and Hackpen...both of which I appeared to fly up and ended up waiting at the top for the group to re-group.

The ride down to Marlborough and the tea shop was good and fast, I was the first one there (mainly because I was busting for a leak!) I ordered my cup of tea and a bacon roll (the joys of what you want!)

I didn't hang about to long as I needed to get back home to go for a cycle ride!!!!

From Marlborough it was straight down the A4 and over Cherhill at the bottom I turned left to Blacklands and along to Headington and Stockley, I did stop every so often for everybody to re-group, but at this point there was only 4 of us...The rest had stayed at the coffee shop.

From Sandy Lane I bid my farewell to everybody and powered on home without slowing...

I think I may have broken my own top speed going down Old Derry Hill...48.5 mph! (I must go back to the Welsh mountains and see if I can break 50!)

The Garmin had the ride as 51.75 miles in 3 hours 2 minutes (Riding time) and an average speed of 17 mph.

The GPS track can be found here...

When I got back home I put the Merida road bike away and got the Dawes Hybrid out, and went for a cycle ride with wifey and Rosie (dog) to Lacock for lunch :-)

It was very strange riding the Hybrid after having spent so long on the Road bikes...

We poodle along at a speed slow enough for Rosie to keep up, and when she stops we stop!

When it came to the road stretches or if she gets tired we have a 'Outward Hound' back pack :-)

When we got to Lacock I took the obligatory pint of Cider and bike shot (Well I was thirsty so not quite a pint left!)

After lunch we headed back down the cycle way to Chippenham, but as the weather was so nice and we had little better to do...we stopped at 'The Old Lane' pub in Pewsham for a drink!

We we eventually made it back home, I finished baking a cake that are started making last night, made up some healthy? burgers for the evening BBQ and gave the dog a bath.

The cycle computer had the ride as 9.2 miles in 1 hour 5 minutes with an average speed of 8.4 mph.

The GPS track can be found here...

After my shower and change I gave the Merida a good clean and re-oil.

I have been looking at better ways of de-greasing the chain and cassette, I have currently been using Halfrauds chain de-greaser, but I think it would be better for the BB and wheel bearings if I took the chain and cassette off to clean it, and white spirit is an awful lot cheaper than chain de-greaser. I like the idea of the Sheldon Brown technique of putting some de-greaser in a coke/pepsi/gatorade bottle putting the chain in and shaking! :-)

I do like to keep my chain/cassette and chain-rings clean.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

22nd August 2009 (Saturday)

Got up reasonably early and headed of to the Chippenham Cemetery Gates (The meeting point) for the Cycle Club chain gang :-)

We set of at 9:30 on the set route, every time I got to the front I was kindly asked to move over as my pace was a little to fast :-(

On the home stretch at Biddeston I decided I had enough and sprinted to Corsham, a few of the others decided to follow, the pack re-formed at the traffic lights going into Corsham....At least I had a chance of letting of steam...

The chain gang ride is nice, but not as quick as it could be! But for me I guess I should stick with it as I must learn to ride with other people....

The chain gang ends at Corsham...I decided to cycle home the long way over Naish Hill again....I must get my hill climbing practise in for the Exmoor Beast!!!!

I got back home at about 12pm...The cycle computer had the ride as 45.71 miles in 2 hours 21 minutes with an average speed of 19.4 mph.

The GPS track can be found here...

After a shower and change went off to have brunch and do the weekly shopping at Morrisons :-)

When we got back home wifey n me went out for a short easy ride to the Langley Tap and back for a nice Cider :-)

The cycle computer had the ride as 8.55 miles in 49 minutes (Ride time not including Cider time!) with an average speed of 10.3 mph...

The GPS track can be found here...

It gave me a chance to take the Peugeot Steel Road bike out....It is a really great bike (Thanks Nathan :-)

It did feel really strange cycling in 'Normal' clothes :-) I appear to have got used to wearing weirdo cycling clothes...

Friday, August 21, 2009

21st August 2009

I was a billy no mates at work today (every body else on holiday - and it was busy!) :-( Didn't even stop for a proper lunch....

When I got back home the sun was out and I set out on my promised 'Normal 20'...

There was a reasonable SW Wind...
1800 Medium-level Cloud 15.9 °C SW 9 mph
50 km 1020 hPa, Rising
1900 Sunny intervals 16.0 °C WSW 9 mph
30 km 1020 hPa, Rising

Which blew me around the first half of the course :-) Looking at the timings I was well on for Sub Hour :-)

Then I had to give way to a car at the mini-roundabout at Lyneham...he poodled on incredibly slowly for 20 feet then pulled in to the left.....Why didn't he just let me go????? (When I am on a bike cars should give way to me!!!!!)

I got back up to speed and had a very good run down Dauntsey Hill and into Sutton Benger. Along Sutton Lane I was holding 20 - 22 mph, looking at the Garmin I was definitely on for sub hour :-).....

Then I had to give way to another car at the mini roundabout in Chippenham. The traffic lights turned Red, people crossed on the Zebra Crossing and yet another give way on the second roundabout.....It all meant I missed the target :-( (Still had the best time yet though!!!)

The Garmin had the session as 21.27 miles in 1 hour 19 seconds with an average speed of 21.2 mph :-)

The GPS track can be found here...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

20th August 2009

Night off, playing computer games :-)

Down side is I didn't even go for my lunch time walk as work took over :-(

I will make up for it tomorrow by doing my 'Normal 20' in under an hour!!!! (I wish)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

19th August 2009

Work from home today...

Part 1...

The SUN is out....and its HOT :-)
1200 Sunny intervals 22.6 °C S 11 mph
30 km 1016 hPa, Rising

Learning from last week, where I hammered around my 'Normal 20' at lunch time then wondered why I had a poor time on the evening TT, I thought I would go for a nice short leisurely 10 miles - just to keep myself active :-)

Well I ended up doing 13 miles and challenged myself to a few hills...(Perhaps that was a bad idea - we will find out tonight!)

The cycle computer had the ride as 13.23 miles in 55.06 mins with an average speed of 14.4 mph and a total climb of 1078 feet (There were a couple of 1:6 climbs :-)

The GPS track can be found here...

Lets hope the weather is the same for the evening TT :-)

Part 2....

The weather held, it was perfect :-)
1800 Sunny 22.5 °C SW 15 mph
35 km 1014 hPa, Falling
1900 Sunny intervals 20.8 °C SW 10 mph
30 km 1014 hPa, Falling

I set of from home at 5:45 and signed in at 6:15....I was number 4 :-)

I had a good start and managed to catch up with 3, 2 and 1 all in a gaggle at the same time at the 4 mile point :-) (Bearing in mind that each rider sets of a minute apart that was a bit of a miracle) Problem then was I had nobody else to chase :-(

I crossed the 10 mile finish point with an official time of 25:25 (Although the Garmin had it as 25:30)

The cycle computer had the TT as 10.1 miles in 25 minutes 30 seconds with an average speed of 23.6 mph.

The GPS track can be found here...