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Thursday, January 14, 2010

14th January 2010

Made it in to work today...I actually felt a lot better :-)

I didn't make it out for my lunchtime walk as the pavements where not safe...

When I got home I had baked potato, ham and beans for tea then had an hour on the rollers

The computer had the session as 1 hour with an average speed of 26 mph covering 26.02 miles, thanks to 'The Sufferfest' videos I have now done more miles this year on the rollers than I have on the road!

I do my indoor rides in my office, the door is normally closed all day and it is heated, a couple of computers run 24/7 (firewall, web/games server and file server) , put it this way the office is never cold....when I started the session the thermometer had the temperature as 17.2 deg c...

After the session the temperature was up to 21.1 deg c


Rafe said...

Doh! You got me with the more miles on the rollers this year comment. I thought, he can't possibly have. Then I remembered we're only on the 14th day of the year. What can I say, it's been a stressful week.

I'm going to have a look at those videos again. They're cheap, but then I'll be wanting a handle bar mount for my iPhone so I can watch on there. Could you handle the guilt of making me spend so much money?

John Berry said...

Oh yes :-)

Better still play them on the PC/ could even get some VR glasses :-)

Red Bike said...

Lol. Thats how i've been heating my house too!

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