I spent the entire day working, not moving off my arse at all, as the day drew on I started to feel better so at 5:30 I thought I would have a quick bash on the rollers :-)
I had fitted the new (Cateye Strada) cadence computer to the Merida, and it helped a lot with understanding what effort I was putting in..
The computer is wired and it was interesting, fitting the sensors.
I put The Suffertest - Fight Club Video on again :-) It is bloomin brilliant....I felt quite good....only coughing on the rest periods...The video has 5 iterations of a Time Trial (I cycle on the big ring and middle of the cassette), with a Hill climb forming the last part of each Trial (Big ring and 12 on the cassette) , there are frequent 'Attack' episodes where you are expected to pile the effort on and increase the cadence, at the end of each Trial there is a cool down period where you bimble along at 3/10 effort.
I felt much better having had an hour on the bike than I would have done just sat doing nothing.
It would appear that I do comfortably pedal with a cadence of around 98 rpm :-) On the 'Attacks' my Cadence peeks at about 156 rpm.
The computer had the session as 1 hour with an average speed of 24.4 mph covering 24.45 miles witha maximum speed of 43.8 mph.
Lets hope the coughing is coming to an end.......I need a decent nights sleep!
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