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Monday, January 11, 2010

11th January 2010

I feel like shite!

Coughing most of the night away, getting up early and spending the day at I'm fecked!

I think a night away from bikes is needed!


Lee said...

I reckon the energy you would spend on the bike is energy your body needs to fight the cough/cold you have. If you can resist the urge to ride you should be fighting fit sooner - well, that's the theory anyway.

Red Bike said...

Load of us seem to be suffering at the moment. I hope you get well soon.

I've done nothing for weeks. Yesterday I finally managed to commute on the bike and it's killed me. My legs ache this morning.

Clive Chapman said...

My legs always ache... :-( that's the effect of years of neglect I think...

You'll be up and running soon JB!

John Berry said...

Last year when I had colds etc, I stopped cycling completely until I was better, This year I am determined to keep going as much as I can.

I actually find I feel better after a quick session on the bike, the only compromise is I wont force myself to go out side...

Besides I am actually quite enjoying using the rollers!!!! They are still a challenge to be mastered

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