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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

9th December 2009

Worked from home today...

Managed to get out for a very pleasant 20 at lunchtime...It was almost as if summer was back!
1200 Medium-level Cloud 11.2 °C SW 8 mph 15 km 1018 hPa, Rising
Double figure temperature...

The Garmin had the ride as 21.67 miles with an average speed of 17.2 mph in 1 hour 15 minutes, route here...

At 6pm I went out for my second ride of the day, as the weather was so warm I thought I would go for a pre-cycle club ride,
1800 Mist 8.5 °C S 5 mph 8 km 1019 hPa, Rising
1900 Medium-level Cloud 8.7 °C SSW 6 mph 12 km 1020 hPa, Rising
I headed of out on the 'Normal 20' route but as I got to Dauntsey it was clear that I was going to be to early! so I headed of on to the 10 mile TT route, that added the extra time required to get to the meeting a few minutes late.

The total distance including the ride home from the club was 28.81 miles with an average speed of 16.7 mph in 1 hour 43 minutes, route here...


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