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Sunday, December 27, 2009

27th December 2009

Got up and went shopping with wifey, Aldi were advertising a OregonScientific ATC2K Helmet Camera for £59 and I fancied having a go at one :-)

Whilst we were there we also picked up some fleece snow tops, they looked like they may be good n warm for cycling in the cold.

After buying the fun stuff we headed on to Morrisons for the weekly shop and a spot of lunch.

After we got home I spent a couple of minutes fitting the camera to the helmet then got changed and went out for a cycle, perhaps I should have spent a bit longer sorting out the camera position...It was pointing at the ground for most of the time :-(

I did my 'normal 20' then set about cleaning ALL of the bikes, I started at about 2 and finally finished cleaning oiling and fettling with them at nearly 5 :-(

The Garmin had the ride as 21.67 miles in 1 hour 17 minutes with an average speed of 16.7 mph, route here...

To make the best of the forecast sunshine tomorrow I am planning to take another ride to Imber, this time I may take some photies of the burnt out tanks :-)

If I can sort out the camera position properly I may even take a video of the Imber Road


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