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Monday, February 8, 2010

8th February 2010

Considering I was so knackered this morning when I got up at stupid o'clock for work, I ended up getting home full of energy.

I thought it would be a good idea to make up some home made healthy'ish burgers for tea, I made some up and put them in the fridge to 'set', then I got changed - put 'The sufferfest' fight club on and had a VERY tough 45 minutes on the Turbo....

Yes I got the Turbo trainer out, put the spare wheel with training tyre on the bike, jacked the front wheel up with a healthy weight DB2 manual and cranked the resistance up to the 'Pepsi Max'....

I was doing nicely on the TT stretches of the video, when it came to the 'Hills' and I dropped onto the 50/12 I was actually working very hard to maintain 75 rpm.....I was completely fecked after 45 minutes!

The computer had the session as 16.88 miles in 45 minutes with an average speed of 22.5 mph and a max speed of 45.2 mph.

I have been contemplating my lack of hill climbing ability of late and I have realised I dont have a problem :-)...I have been riding a heavy bike with a severe lack of gear range, when I first started using the Peugeot I couldn't make it up a 1:6 hill, now I have no difficulty, I think when I swap back to the summer bike I may well be lethal to the competition :-) ...I hope anyway.

I have a mountain ride planned for the end of the month...(Gospel Pass 150k) I will be taking the Merida so it will be interesting to see how the extra gears help.


Red Bike said...

I'm glad i'm not the only one whos fecked after 30mins on the turbo.

I've got all my hopes resting on the summer bike theory too!

John Berry said...

I am confident the theory will be true :-)

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