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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

10th February 2010

Worked from home today:-)

Looked at the weather outside at lunchtime and it was cold and I obviously didn't venture out!

The bottom bracket had developed a little play in it and I wasn't happy with the light lithium based grease I had used to pack the bearings, it's great stuff for the wheel bearings but a little too light for the larger slower BB bearings. So I spent half an hour stripping the BB down cleaning the shaft, bearings and outer races up, then I re-packed the bearings with some heavier teflon based grease. It was much thicker and stickier :-)

I had also purchased a BB peg spanner for properly adjusting the end cap when re-assembling the BB, and it worked perfectly :-)

I did have full intentions of eating tea early then going out for a cycle ride, but it still looked cold out and I was feeling cold! I didn't feel like going to the cycle club...

At 7:50 I decided to have a quick go on the Turbo Trainer.....the intention was to just do 45 minutes, but I got a bit carried away and did an hour.

I set the turbo to mid load, started up 'The Sufferfest - Downward Spiral', put the chain on the big chain ring (50) , and shifted the chain up and down the rear cassette as necessary, my aim was to hold a high cadence between 90 and 100 rpm.

The cycle computer had the session as 1 hour covering 23.63 miles with an average speed of 23.6 mph and an amazing maximum speed of 50.6 mph.

The route sheet arrived today for the Gospel Pass Audax on the 27th Feb. It's going to be a tough ride! I hope the weather is good, any sign of ice or snow and I'm going to give it a miss, sliding down a 2000ft mountain on a bike isn't my idea of fun!


Clive Chapman said...

The ridegps site is brilliant JB thanks for the heads up, how do you import it into your blog? I can't for the life of me work it out...

John Berry said...

Clive...Tiz good init :-)
When you view a route, half way down teh right hand side menu is an icon "Embed Code" click on it and it will reveal a html code snippet "..." .

Copy and paste it into bloggers Edit html view

Red Bike said...

You did well to get at the bottom bracket bearings. Nothing seems to be servicable now adays.

Clive Chapman said...

Cool! Why the flinkin' blip couldn't I see that?

Cheers mate! :-)

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