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Monday, February 15, 2010

15th February 2010

I ventured out for my normal lunchtime walk, 2.71 miles...route here, I dont think I am going to be able to push it to 3 miles :-(

I did stop and have a good chat with a narrow boat owner as I ambled down the tow path, I really do like the idea of living on a narrow boat.

I felt quite tired on my way home, but I still managed to get change and have a quick 50 minute session.

I gave 'The Sufferfest - Fight Club' another go......Although it woke me up, I did feel quite knackered at the end of it.

The computer had the session as 50 minutes covering 19.96 miles at an average speed of 23.9 mph.

I am hoping to ride out to Wantage to meet up with Matt on Saturday, I am hoping to get some bigger miles in before the Gospel Pass ride at the end of the month, so a quick blat to Wantage and back and a nice slow bimble around Oxfordshire should suit the bill nicely :-)


Clive Chapman said...

Me and the Mrs looked seriously at Narrow Boat living a couple of years back JB. Getting a boat isn't the issue, it's residential moorings that's the major drama. They're rarer than rocking horse shit. Until British Waterways do something about that it's pretty much a non starter.

John Berry said...

I have always fancied the idea of living on a narrow boat.....problem is wifey doesn't!

The issue with residential moorings is you end up paying council tax!

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