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Monday, February 1, 2010

1st February 2010

It took ages to drive to work today :-(

I attempted to use RunGPS to track my lunchtime walk, it failed miserably to pick up a satellite :-(
But I was interested to see how far I actually go, so I traced the route in Gmaps Pedometer and am amazed that I actually walk over 2.5 miles every lunch hour....

When I got home I was in two minds whether to go on the rollers or not, as we planned to have tea a little later, I decided an hour wouldn't hurt.

I set the rollers up and started the Sufferfest video, but the bike just didn't feel right and I was lacking confidence in staying on the rollers :-( ....Its amazing what a week off them has done!

So I gave the bike a once over, I needed to adjust the front dérailleur, then I set the rollers up in the doorway and had a 45 minute session with Epica playing on the MP3 player...I did feel a lot more confident within a few minutes :-)

The computer had the session as 45 minutes with an average speed of 24 mph covering 18.06 miles, I pushed myself very hard for the first 30 minutes, then slowed down and took it reasonably easy for the last 15.


Red Bike said...

Do you realise that you walk further than I manage to run at lunch?
I go running twice a week for 20mins which is normally roughly only 2miles.

I used to have to have the rollers set up in a doorway. It was the only way I could stay on them (something to grab each side).

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