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Monday, April 5, 2010

5th April 2010 (NCR 5 Day 4)

Short post, I will fill it in more tomorrow, when I have a web connection.

I completed the ride to Holyhead according to plan :-)

Started of the day where I left of yesterday with Jon, straight into a very tough headwind.

Met up with Joby at Conwy

Today was the toughest 70 miles I have ever done.

My tendon started playing up again at 30 miles, by the end of the ride it was very painful.

Thanks to Jon and Joby for a fun but tough day, pictures and more details to follow.


Matt said...

Very well done John, I really am VERY impressed. Hope the aches and pains ease for you

Well done again :)

richb said...

Congratulations for completing the chosen mission on schedule you mad fool.

Had a very leisurely leisure ride yesterday to some closed cafes - missed you :)

Today's CSC made up for it though.

Joby said...

Well done on your whole journey! Your a mad man indeed!

Was nice to meet up with you an redbikes and thanks for letting me do the last leg with you!

John Berry said...

@Matt..The Tendon Ache is still with me...The NCR 5 ride was tough...very tough...I would say in 4 days it was tougher than the John O'Groats to Lands End in 11 days!

@Rich...missed you to :-) I am starting to plan my next little jauntet :-) was a pleasure, It was a shame it was such a punishing day, it would have been good to chat more...

Red Bike said...

Thank you so much for letting me tag along.

I was rather disapointed to get to the Ferry terminal. I would have prefered a beach, a paddle and chips on the sea wall!

My bike was just far too heavy for me, it was killing me, It was alright on the flat but the moment I started going uphill I was struggling.

Joby said...

There's plenty of time :) Just do something stupid like that again in a summer month please - would have preferred shorts and tshirts rather than waterproofs "just in case" ;)

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