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Thursday, April 15, 2010

15th April 2010

Busy day at work, didn't manage to go for lunch time walk :-(

Didn't actually leave my desk all day :-(

When I got in from work, I ate tea, then went for a walk with wifey and Rosie (dog)

When I got back I put the Merida on the bike stand.

I gave it a clean and then set about changing the bottom bracket.

The job was not as difficult as I had imagined, although the caps were tighter than expected, it was a good job I had a BB socket as well as the BB spanner :-)

I cleaned up the chain rings, spider and cranks off the bike and re-assembled the lot.

I put the bike on the turbo and set the gears up, It all seemed a lot more positive...


Red Bike said...

Most of my bikes are now in bits too. I really should get around to the cleaning and re-assembling steps.

Joby said...

I wish I had your patience to take my bike apart :(

John Berry said...

@Red...I like to re-assemble the bike as soon as I can, I normally buy the replacement item before I strip the old one down if I can... not patience its necessity, I do so many miles that I just cant afford for the thing to fail when I am 100 miles away from home!

I find because I maintain them I am a lot more familiar with them and have been able to spot the slack and wear before it becomes a fail. It is all a learning curve!

I have had to adjust my approach as I have learnt new things, i.e. have several chains on the go, strip clean and re-grease the rear wheel bearings every 3-6 months NOT annually.

I have also learnt what tools are necessary and the best way to keep the bike clean :-)

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