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Monday, April 12, 2010

12th April 2010

Went to work today, didn't see the point in loosing a days pay...

Went out for my lunchtime walk, 3 miles...RunGPS decided to record absolutely nothing :-(

When I got back home I changed straight into long sleeve cycle top and trousers and went out for my 'Normal 20'...I had visions of going straight at the evens (20mph average) but the strong northerly put paid to that :-(
1800 Medium-level Cloud 11.0 °C NNE 14 mph

15 km 1026 hPa, Falling
1900 Sunny  intervals 10.2 °C NNE 15 mph

15 km 1026 hPa, Falling
I was 5 minutes off the evens pace at the 10 mile point, I did push hard on the home straight but I was never going to make the time up :-(

The Garmin had the ride as 21.28 miles in 1 hour 9 minutes with an average speed of 18.5 mph, route here...

When I got back home I showered and changed then had salad for tea....interestingly my legs are aching now....but they didn't ache at all yesterday!

I noticed on the ride that the chain-rings appeared to be oscillating in and out as I was pushing the pedals down....The bottom bracket has gone again :-( Surely it should last longer than 3ooo miles? This one was a Dura Ace, the 105 one lasted 5ooo miles, I have just ordered another set of 105 cups.


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