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Saturday, November 21, 2009

21st November 2009 (Saturday)

Only a fool would get up and go cycling when the weather forecast looked like a monsoon mixed with hurricane...

So I got up changed into my cycle gear and cycled up to the cemetery to join the cycle club chain gang :-)

Even though 'nearly' everybody had mudguards fitted, you still get covered in road grime on a group ride where everybody rides so close to each other.

The sealskinz socks worked wonders :-) my footsies remained nice and warm :-) although me and the bike were minging...

The cycle computer had the ride as 40.64 miles in 2 hours 13 minutes with an average speed of 18.3 mph,the route can be found here...


Red Bike said...

Mud-gaurds take the worst off but theres still a lot of spray in a group. You need to follow someone whos got full length sks guards with a flap at the bottom.

I was one of those people who didn't have any gaurds on their bike Sunday. I now have one very muddy bike!

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