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Friday, October 9, 2009

9th October 2009

Got home early :-) Got changed and went straight out on the bike...

I set of at 5 and was allowed 2 hours...I planned to do a nice 35 miles, It started of well.

Then 15 miles in as I was holding a good speed then the back wheel started to bounce....damn a flat!

The reason for the puncture was found instantly, a gash and a lump of flint hanging out of it. The flint was removed and the tube replaced....

Once it was fixed I was off again....But it had taken a while to fix the puncture, I also had to set the pump up for Presta valves...It was set for Shrader....Guess I should have tested it before I rode around for 1000's of miles.

I ended up doing 29.17 miles in 1 hour 42 minutes (Elapsed was 2 hours) with an average speed of 17.1 mph, route here...

I didn't get around to washing and oiling the bike tonight...I will do it tomorrow...


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