I gave the bike chain a little clean with WD40 and a rag and gave it a fresh oiling - intention was always to give the bike a good clean, but I didn't think another 40 miles on such a manky chain was a good idea, I also put a few more PSI in the back tyre - the micro pump is good, but I stopped at 90 psi and I like the back tyre pumped up! I also replaced the tube in the saddle bag (I actually put 2 in)
At 9:15 I set of to the Chippenham cemetery for the Chain Gang, I was contemplating taking the Peugeot, but as the Merida was already minging, and I didn't know how I would cope with the Peugeot, I ended up on the Merida, as it was I need not have worried a lot of other people had their winter bikes out..
For some reason I got to the front of the gang on an uphill again! and I got moaned at for going too fast...So I relinquished the lead position.
We dropped a fair few people along the way, when we got to Yatton Kennel we were down to 7, after Biddeston the pace picked up, all of the racing whippets passed me going up the inclines, I gained again on the descents (So if I am that strong how come when the pace quickens the hills drop me?)
The Garmin had the ride as 40.75 miles in 2 hours 8 minutes with an average speed of 19 mph, route here...
When I got back home I took the chain of and soaked it in white spirit (It was disgusting!).
The Bike was a mess!
I had been contemplating replacing the slick tyres for the winter tyres for a while now, there have been a number of occasions where I have wanted to stop and the bike didn't! As I was washing the bike I re-found the flint gash from last night!
I have been told that a suitable repair for a gash like this is super glue! but as I need the bike tomorrow and I don't want to risk a tyre incident I opted for a tyre swap to the winter treads (Continental Grand Prix 4 Season), I decided to stick with 23 mm but wanted a bit of sticky tread .
Lets hope the rolling resistance isn't to much!
I finished washing, fettling and lubing the bike some hours later (These jobs can't be rushed!) and now the bike has bling again!
The Bike and me are now all ready for the 100 mile New Forest sportive tomorrow :-) - Only issue is getting up at 5:30 am on a Sunday! (I already get up at that time 5 days a week).
I'm rather glad there's no flints on the road here. Just glass in the towns and cow muck in the country.
Ahhh we get all of it :-(...
This time of the year the small flecks of flint get washed into the road and they are kin sharp.
It was a bit shocking how the flint slashed straight through the protection barrier...
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