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Saturday, October 17, 2009

17th October 2009

Up early and had another attempt at bridging the ADSL 2 modem and getting a public IP assigned to my firewall...Couldn't get it to work again!

I headed out to Chippenham Cemetery at 9:20 on the Peugeot, I wasn't sure what to expect, the gearing is a lot different and the bike is a lot heavier than the Merida.

When I got going it was a pleasant surprise, in many ways it was easier than the Merida, I could keep the bike on the small chain ring, and as it is not a compact chainset it was a comfortable cadence without going on the large chain ring at all :-)

The Garmin had the ride as 40.73 miles in 2 hours 4 minutes with an average speed of 19.7 mph, route here...

When I got back home I showered and changed and then we headed out for a family lunch, I was hungry after the ride and its always nice to have decent ciders in a pub :-)

We made it back home for about 3:30 then I set about cleaning and oiling the Merida in preparation for tomorrows tour of Oxforshire ride :-)


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