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Friday, July 17, 2009

17th July 2009

Wifey decided she didn't fancy going swimming so I opted for a cycle ride :-)

Unfortunately the weather was a tadge damp, I didn't want to take the Merida out and I wanted to do my 'Normal 20', the Dawes just dosn't seem right to do road things on any more..... so I dragged Nathan's old Peugot out of the shed and fitted the Garmin to it....
I didn't fancy fitting it to the handlebars as apparantly the Garmin has a tendancy of rotating upside down, and the stem just didn't have enough space so I fitted it to the frame :-)

The Peugot looks good with its new tyres and a good clean (Plan is to get a new rear cassette, gear cables and chain for the winter)

I set off on the 20 and was pleasantly surprised by the pace, although it definitely was not as fast, I was spinning away and the top speed I could reach on the level was about 25 mph compared to the 27-30 on the Merida.

I did not find any need at all on the whole ride to change off of the outer chain ring!

At the half way point I was only slightly under 20 mph, passing 10 miles at just over 31 minutes.

The home stretch was directly into a head wind and the bike weight/gearing/position all counted against me :-(

I had to stop at Sutton Benger to tighten the saddle clamp up as it had worked loose :-( ....I fitted a new saddle to the bike (A freebie from a cycling magazine subscription)

According to the Garmin I completed the 21.26 miles in 1 hour 5 minutes with an average speed of 19.4 mph, I am certain that I would have done it in 20 mph + on the Merida, my speed was constantly about 1 mph less than usual.

The GPS track can be found here....

It was a good ride, I have a new challenge complete the ride at evens on the Peugot :-). The riding position felt a little strange but it will be a good bike to use over the winter :-)


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