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Friday, June 26, 2009

26th June 2009

Got home at about 6:30, got changed and went straight out on the bike for my 'Normal 20'.

The conditions were perfect for another good run time :-)

Lyneham Met observations were...
1800 Medium-level Cloud 19.6 °C W 8 mph
25 km 1012 hPa, Rising
1900 Medium-level Cloud 18.6 °C WNW 7 mph
25 km 1013 hPa, Rising

I started racing the virtual me and to my surprise was actually beating me (Bearing in mind the virtual me had a time of 1 hour 3 and an average speed of 20.1 mph) at the half way point I was nearly 3 minutes ahead, I had done over 10 miles at the 30 minute point.

As I turned left at Sutton Benger the course average speed was 21.5 mph! I was on for achieving at least 21 mph average!!!! Then just as I was coming to the end of Sutton Lane on to Maud Heath's Causeway there was a loud ping then a tinkle, tinkle, tinkle noise from the back wheel :-(

I stopped looked at it, swore, span the wheel to make sure it was still there, then set off again, the wheel was buckled and a spoke had snapped!!!!!

To my total amazement I had so much time in the bag that I limped home with the buckled wheel and still achieved an average speed of 20 mph (According to the Cateye computer) and 20.4 mph according to the Garmin...So another evens run :-) even with a broken bike :-(

Will have to try and get the wheel sorted tomorrow morning so it won't affect the weekend's plan!

The cycle computer had today's ride as 21.3 miles in 1 hour 3 minutes with an average speed of 20 mph.

The Garmin GPS track can be found here...


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