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Sunday, July 26, 2009

26th July 2009 (Sunday)

No cycling today :-(

Instead I cleaned the cooker, the house, went weekly shopping and bought a lawn mower, son decided to try and 'help' yesterday by cutting the grass - but didn't put any 2 stroke oil in the petrol and seized the lawnmower!

When we got back from shopping/brunch I cut the grass.

I fitted the new chain/cassette and gear cables to the Peugot. (I learnt all about correct chain length) - The new cassette has a much bigger large cog than the removed one.

I cooked roast pork tenderloin and a sherry sauce for tea, then washed the Merida - It got minging yesterday.

The front gear cable outer housing had become a little mangled.

So I have ordered a new cable set....I have also removed the Cateye computer from the Merdia as the Garmin has proven to be accurate and it seemed a bit strange to cycle everywhere with 2 computers! - I also took the fixed computer of the Peugot - Same reason applies!

So a rest day from cycling...but still spent a couple of hours on the bikes - so to speak!


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