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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

22nd July 2009

Worked from home today :-)

Stuck a beef and ale stew with dumpling's in the oven at 5, then set of for the Wednesday 10 mile TT at 6.

I wanted to see what real difference it would make if I stripped the weight off the bike, so I removed the massive saddle tool bag, travelling track pump and the front and rear lights before I set off.

This weeks course was the hilly 10 mile that I did 2 weeks my target was 27 minutes 20

There was a fair wind this time that gave a healthy push on the outward stretch

1900 Medium-level Cloud 16.3 °C SSW 13 mph
50 km 1001 hPa, Falling

Unfortunately the opposite effect was felt on the rest of the course :-(

I gave it my all...I set of 12th, I overtook the 11th at 7 miles, then 2 others at 7.5 miles then 4th then 10th at 8 and 9 miles..

I crossed the finish line at 26 minutes improvement over last time, but how much is down to weight saving and how much is down to I now know the course and put a lot more effort in! and I had other riders in my sights and its a lot easier to catch somebody than to ride by yourself!

The cycle computer had tonight's entire ride, including cycling to and from the TT as 25.14 miles in 1 hour 30 with an average speed of 16.7.

The GPS track of the TT can be found here... , the 10.1 miles in 26 minutes 53 seconds works out at an average speed of 22.5 mph

When I got back home the stew was perfect to eat :-)


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