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Friday, July 10, 2009

10th July 2009

Got in, phone rang....had to sort some stuff out...

Eventually got changed and got out on the bike at 7:04 pm :-(

I decided that I need to incorporate some hills back into my riding to help prepare for 'The Beast', plan is to ride either a 20 mile ride incorporating climbs up Naish Hill and Bowden Hill or a 40 mile Naish/Bowden/Bencroft and Wick hills once or twice a week. I also intend to do club rides alternate Sundays with my own more challenging rides every other week. I will do the TT every Wednesday though!

So tonight I did my first regular 'Hilly 20', it was all very uneventful and I was fairly flying up the hills (Must try Porlock again soon????)

The cycle computer had the ride as 21.76 miles in 1 hour 18 minutes with an average speed of 16.5 mph (Interestingly around about the speed and time I used to do the 'Normal 20' but this ride has nearly a 1000 feet of climb in it!)

The GPS Track can be found here...


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