At 11 am Lyneham had the temperature at 0.8 deg C, at 11:30 I decided that I wouldn't go, then I started to feel guilty! and 10 minutes later I was changed ready to go!
The new rear cassette turned up so I decided to fit it before setting off.
Due to the later start I opted for the old 20 mile Lyneham ride (Route Here...), without the 1:6 Wick Hill and long trawl of Stanley Lane the ride seemed like a Sunday afternoon amble in the park! Even with the relatively cold temperature and a 6mph Southerly I still did the 21.66 miles in 1 hour 20 Minutes.
The new cassette worked a dream with no chain jumping at all on the small gear. I am still undesided at exactly how worn it was....(The new one is on the right)
And just so Dave can see the broken down and assembled cassette heres some more photo's
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