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Thursday, June 11, 2009

JOGLE the day after

Got up, still no aches and pains......(Still don't understand how I can not be hurting anywhere?)

Cleaned and oiled the bikes, removed the rest of the travelling stuff from the mobile shed - formerly known as a car.

I am actually wondering if I could get away with going for a cycle ride today????Or will wifey kill me?

Now I must thank lots of people for there support and extreamly kind donations...
---In no order at all--
Thank you Wifey for fixing everything and being there to support us....You had the tuff job all we had to do was look at the scenary.

Jim it was great for us that you could join us and you did set the tempo and ethos for the rest of the trip.

Dave without you I wouldn't have chosen some of the fantastic routes and your support and encouragement has helped more than you can imagine.

Nathan it was your idea...and thank you I would never have thought about doing something so mad...(Although I may have had to use my MP3 player if you were with us any longer :-)

Joy you are a really good friend and you allowed me to experience ALL of the scenary, without you it would have been very tuff.(And I am sure I would have burnt myself out)

Everybody that has helped us, gave us comments to read along the way...Thank You....

Now all I need to do is plan the next challenge........

If anybody is interested we..

Replaced 3 tyres.
Fell off a total of 4 once and Joy 3 times.....I was the one that actually leaked red stuff though!
Replaced 1 set of Brake blocks
(Refitted bike chain countless numbers of times.....Joy!)

It was interesting that as we were nearing the end people thought we were just starting! We were still bouncing fit and had no ill effects.....A guy finished JOGLE about an hour after us and he was hobbling along and looked haggard......

I am now bored!!!!!!!! and we only finished yesterday!

I will busy myself by doing a few more stats......what am I gonna call this blog now?????What am I gonna post in it???????

Any suggestions for the next challenge welcome :-)........


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