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Monday, August 31, 2009

31st August 2009 (Bank Holiday Monday)

I only had one mission today, do just over 51 miles to have completed 1000 miles in August :-)

Unfortunately I only had a 3 hour window to fit the ride in, guests visiting in the afternoon and the need to actually tidy the house up before they arrived!

I got up had breakfast and set of on a nice flat 52 mile route, the last time I did the route I did it in 2 hours 49 minutes, so well within the time I had available :-)

I set off from home at just before 9, the first 10 miles were great, a cracking tail wind, the next 30 miles were not great a stifling head wind!

As I was pulling back on to the home stretch I was finally accompanied by a tail wind again and managed to catch up with the Garmin virtual me.

The Garmin had the ride as 52.93 miles in 2 hours 49 minutes with an average speed of 18.8 mph.

The GPS track can be found here...

So the cycling stats for August are...
Distance: 1,002.21 Miles
Time: 58:17:27 h:m:s
Elevation Gain: 52,068 ft
Avg Speed: 17.2 mph
Max Speed: 48.5 mph
Calories: 76,737 C

Ohhh I have now done over 6000 miles on the Merida (Hmmm wonder if wifey will let me buy a new bike again this Christmas?)

After the BBQ I spent some quality time cleaning the Merida ....again!

Later on I got bored so spent some time doing a proper cleaning job on the Peugeot, I noticed the wheel bearings felt a little rough so I stripped them down, cleaned them, re-greased and re-assembled....The wheels run very sweetly now :-)

Now looking outside and feeling depressed, 7:30pm and its starting to get dark :-( not much more evening riding left in the year....


Anonymous said...

How about learning the guitar for an autumn/winter part-time pastime between cycle rides - Recommend a 100W Marshall - works here - Marian 'loves' it.

Red Bike said...

There's some very impressive stats there.

John Berry said...

Mik...I did try to learn the guitar, but I want to play like Hendrix or Maiden...I want to run before I can walk...

Red...Thxs, I think the winter effect may well be starting about now, so back down to 100 miles or so a week :-(

The plan is to concentrate on upping my cadence and improving my pedal technique on the turbo trainer over the winter.

Red Bike said...

The fixie is having a noticable effect on my cadence. My natural (prefered) cadence doesn't seem to have changed; but since riding fixed i'm happier pushing a big gear or spinning like the clappers than I ever used to be.

John Berry said...

Red...Don't think wifey would be to keen on me buying another bike :-(

Rafe said...

Amazing stuff. I can't believe you fit that in around a lunatic commute and a wife!

John Berry said...

Rafe...somedays neither can I....

Joby said...

1,000 miles in 58 hours... WOW!

John Berry said...

Joby...ahhh yes perhaps I am getting quite good at this cycling thing :-)

Lets see how well I do at the Dartmoor Devil and the Exmoor Beast!

I am planning on doing all 3 days of the Tour of Wessex next year as well ( so best I keep the fitness up over the long dark sh1te winter...

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