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Saturday, August 29, 2009

29th August 2009 (Saturday)

Got up early'ish, went for a walk with the Rosie (dog) (bought some white spirit on my way home)

Cycled to the Chippenham Cemetery gates to meet up with the cycle club chain gang at 9:30.

This week I did not race on ahead at all, I was quite nice and sensible and attempted to ride at everybody else's pace :-)

When we got to Corsham however I put my head down and sprinted to Lacock and climber over Naish Hill before returning home.

The Cycle computer had the ride as 45.7 miles in 2 hours 26 minutes with an average speed of 18.7 mph. The GPS track can be found here...

When I got back home I cooked and ate lunch (Bacon Sandwich).

After Lunch I thought it would be a good idea to go for a cycle/walk with Rosie (Dog) so I put Rosie in the 'Outward Hound' backpack and headed of down the Chippenham/Calne cycle way.

Once we were clear of the roads I let Rosie run free.

It was sloooooooow, but nice in the sun :-)

Along the way I thought it would be a good idea to continue on up Bencroft Hill and stop at the Dumb Post for a pint of cider :-)

What I hadn't really given much thought to was the extra weight of Rosie on my back and that I am no longer used to the more upright position of the Hybrid bike.

I made it to the top, not as fast as I had hoped but no real drama, I had my pint of Cider then cycled back the way I came.

I did stop and take a picture of the Dawes at the point where I stopped and put Rosie back in her carry back pack.

When I got back home and walking back up to the house there was a rather cool shadow cast by Rosie and myself :-)

The Rosie ride was 8.23 miles in 1 hour 5 minutes with an average speed of 7.5 mph, The GPS track can be found here...

After I got back home I set about cleaning the Merida road bike (It got very wet on Wednesday)

I thought I would give the chain in the bottle of white spirit method a go, I also wanted to dismantle the cassette and give it a good clean - up to this point I have cleaned both cassette and chain on bike using branded chain cleaners, but I am starting to think it is better to keep the de-greasers away from wheel bearings and bottom brackets!

So I dismantled the cassette and but it in an old ice cream tub with some white spirit

I also but the chain in an old Gatorade bottle added a drop or two of White Spirit and gave it a good shake.

I cleaned all of the cassette components, dried them, gave them a spray of WD40 and wiped them off.

I fished the chain out of the bottle, wiped it dry and hung it up in the sun to complete the drying.

I then re-assembled the cassette on the wheel.

I had already cleaned the wheel with the cassette off, I also changed the back tyre as it was very heavily worn - The tyre is now on the spare wheel!

The bike was thoroughly cleaned,reassembled,chain oiled (Then wiped down) and the gears checked for correct indexing.

A bit more of a faff, taking it all to pieces to clean, but definitely worth it! in the end it didn't actually take that much longer. About 5 minutes in total to remove, clean, oil and re-assemble the cassette and about the same for the chain. But with the certainty that no degreaser went anywhere near the BB, Freewheel or Bearings


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